Voice seo

While the impact of voice search on SEO is still evolving, we do know that optimizing for voice search is very different compared to traditional search. 

Voice-based queries are different than written searches, in that they generally are made up of longer phrases, including complete sentences and questions. 
AI technology is also continually evolving in an effort to understand the intent of the user along with the context of their search, accounting for things such as past searches and location.

This all means that in order to attract customers, SEO agency executives must be open to trying new things and focusing on what customers actually mean when they are searching. This may mean focusing SEO efforts on more long-tail keywords and full phrases, with websites that are set up to answer questions of searchers rather than simply targeting specific keywords. 

Keyword research is needed for how people like to phrase questions out loud, understanding the search terms consumers are likely to use. No longer can you simply target a specific keyword, but content and websites need to be more complex, ready to answer the questions that your users have.

Conversational keywords :
Now keywords are no longer just keywords. Keywords in the voice search world are long-tail+. The “plus” refers to the conversational phrases that you need to add when optimizing for conversational voice search.
Your keyword strategy must now be more conversational in nature and mimic how real people talk and ask questions verbally. Start thinking about the types of questions you get when customers call you on the phone to ask questions about your business, then start documenting and recording the exact words they use when they talk to your customer service representatives.
Once you have a list of questions and statements your customers give you over the phone, you can then start creating content pages that focus on those longer, more conversational search terms.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) pages:
A great way to use the aforementioned customer data is to create FAQ pages that focus on those long-tail+ conversational keyword phrases. Try to group common questions on the same page. Go for natural-sounding questions and phrases instead of the old SEO-keyword phrases you’re probably used to using. If you need to create several different pages so that the voice search technologies have a better chance of pulling information from your site, go for it!
Also, anticipate more direct questions from searchers. Searches like “best digital camera” will start to disappear, and hyper-specific searches will become more popular. Example: “Alexa, where can I find a waterproof video camera that works with Facebook Live?” Offer quick, succinct answers to questions that voice searchers are asking.
It can seem like a daunting task, but creating these individual pages and snippets of content centered around specific semantic questions that people are asking can not only help your site show up in voice search results, it can also increase your chances of appearing in a Google “Featured Snippet.”
Structured data markup   :
Use structured data markup (applying the correct schemas) to give these voice search devices even more information about your site and content. Structured data markup from schema.org is crucial for your site, as it defines more specific information and makes it easier for search engines to accurately parse your content and understand its context.

To know more about  schema  Markup example :

see given  code example  without  schema  markup  for  Video :


<iframe width="560height="315src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/DjqO-stAfk0frameborder="0allowfullscreen></iframe>

Note:  above    <iframe > html tag  is only link the youtube video  but it is not  understandable  by   Search Engine like google ,bing ,yahoo etc.

Now  see  code  example with   Video Schema Markup example which is understandable to search engine :

<div itemprop="video" itemscope itemtype="http://schema.org/VideoObject">
<h2>Video: <span itemprop="name">JiFi 3 complete speed test</span></h2>
<meta itemprop="duration" content="2:55" />
<meta itemprop="thumbnailUrl" content="https://i.ytimg.com/vi/DjqO-stAfk0/1.jpg?time=1495877884957" />
<meta itemprop="contentURL" content="https://youtu.be/DjqO-stAfk0" />
<meta itemprop="uploadDate" content="March 12, 2017 4:55 PM" />
<meta itemprop="expires" content="2012-01-30T19:00:00+08:00" />
<meta itemprop="height" content="400" />
<meta itemprop="width" content="400" />
<meta itemprop="description" content="jio fi wireless router">
<meta itemprop="embedURL" content="https://youtu.be/DjqO-stAfk0">
<span itemprop="name" style="display:block;"><strong>JiFi 3 complete speed test</strong></span>
<iframe width="560" height="315" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/DjqO-stAfk0" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>


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